Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Located at the top of the screen are several command buttons used
to control various aspects of QuikMenu. To activate a command
button, either click the button with a mouse or hold down the ALT
key and press the underlined letter of the desired command.
As you have no doubt already discovered, help can be obtained by
pressing the F1 function key. To exit the help screen, press the
ESC key or select the Done command button.
The following is a description of the command buttons:
Modify Allows you to make changes to the menu, such as adding
programs, setting passwords, changing page titles,
background color, etc.
Page Displays a list box showing all 20 page titles. Selecting
a page from the box will display that page on the screen.
You can also create page buttons to move between specific
DOS Allows you to temporarily leave QuikMenu to perform DOS
Log Allows you to display, sort and print a report of program
Exit Leaves the QuikMenu environment completely.
Help Displays this screen. Use the PAGE DOWN and PAGE UP keys
to view the help or select the Print command to send the
file to your printer.
The Modify Command is used to add, edit, copy, move or delete a
page or program button. In this mode, you may also change page
titles and the initial menu setup.
The Modify command can be Password protected. (See Setup below.)
The Add command allows you to add new buttons to your menu. Once
the Add command button is selected, you will be asked which type of
button you want to create: Software Button or Page Button.
Software Buttons allow you to run programs, format disks, backup
directories and so on. If you select Software Button from the Add
dialog box, you will see a screen with the following options:
Speed Key This is the key on your keyboard that will be used
to activate the Software Button. Valid choices are
letters A through Z and numbers 0 through 9.
Name This is the text that will be displayed inside the
Software Button for reference - usually the name of
the program that the button will activate.
Location This is the drive and directory where the program
or DOS option is located. (See List Programs
Command This is the command that DOS uses to run the
program or DOS option. For example, if you normally
load your word processor by typing WP at the DOS
prompt (C:\), then enter WP here. (See List
Programs below.)
If you want to automatically load a document, macro
or some other file with the program, type the
file's name at the end of the command line. For
You may also include any command line options,
parameters or switches required to make the program
There are a number of options that can be added to
the command line that make QuikMenu very powerful.
Placing a pair of [] brackets on the command line
with a question between them will prompt you
whenever the item is activated. For example, a
command like:
FORMAT [Which Drive?]
will prompt you with the question "Which Drive?"
each time you activate the Format button. Your
response, if any, is then passed along to the
FORMAT program.
You can even place multiple questions on the same
command line. For example:
COPY [Source File?] [Destination?]
You can also have the button display a list of
files to choose from simply by putting an equal
sign (=) inside the [] brackets. For example, a
command like:
WP [Which File?=C:\FILES\*.DOC]
allows you to choose from a list of files in the
C:\FILES directory that have the extension .DOC.
The *.DOC is a standard directory mask used by DOS
to display only certain types of files. See your
DOS manual for more information about masks.
By using two equal signs (==) instead of one, you
can search for files across an entire drive. For
example, a command like:
WP [Which File?==C:\*.DOC]
will find every file with the .DOC extension on C:
drive, regardless of which directory it's in.
If you use the equal sign (=) or double equal sign
(==) without a mask, the List Files box will
display only executable program files (*.BAT, *.COM
and *.EXE). For example:
[Select a Program=]
You may also combine the above examples and even
place questions within questions. For example:
WP [Select a File=[Type of File?]]
There is also an option you can use on the command
line for viewing ASCII text files. For example, to
view your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, use the command:
Another command line option built into QuikMenu
allows you to create and edit ASCII text files. For
example, to edit your CONFIG.SYS file, use the
For more information about QuikMenu's text editor
see Editor below.
You can even use the @VIEW and @EDIT options with
other command line functions. For example:
@VIEW=[View what?=C:\*.*]
To run a program without returning to QuikMenu,
simply place the !BYE option at the end of the
command line. For example, to run a hard drive
parking utility use the command:
List Programs This option is used to locate a program on your
hard drive and place the information in the
Location and Command fields.
Drive and directory names are enclosed within
brackets ([]) to make them easily distinguishable
from files. Selecting a directory, such as [WP51],
displays a list of all program files within that
directory. Selecting the parent directory, [..],
moves up one level in the directory tree while the
[\] symbol takes you all the way back to the root
directory of the current drive.
The find option allows you to change what type of
files will be displayed in the List Programs
window. You may use any standard DOS file name
specifications; for example, the wild card options
* and ?, parts of file names, extensions and even
full file names.
Select the Search Entire Drive option to find files
across an entire drive.
Password This option allows you to protect a Software Button
from being activated and/or modified by
unauthorized users.
Options This option allows you to select the fill, text and
border colors for the Software Button. You can also
change the button's font style and size.
Pause Select this option if you want the program to pause
after it's finished running and prompt you with a
"Strike any key when ready..." message.
Ask For File This option inserts a question ([Select a
File=*.*]) into the command line requesting
QuikMenu to display a list of files whenever this
button is activated.
Editor This option allows you to create or modify DOS
batch files. Selecting this option starts
QuikMenu's text editor and automatically loads any
batch file found at the beginning of the command
line. If the command line is empty or does not
contain a file name then the editor is evoked with
a blank screen ready for text entry. If the file on
the command line does not already exist, you will
be asked if you want to create it. File size is
limited only by the amount of available RAM.
Editor commands include:
Key Action
UP ARROW Up one line
DOWN ARROW Down one line
LEFT ARROW Left one character
RIGHT ARROW Right one character
PGUP Up one screen
PGDN Down one screen
HOME Beginning of line
END End of line
CTRL + HOME Top of file
CTRL + END End of file
TAB Inserts 5 spaces
INSERT Toggles insert/overwrite
CTRL + T Erase current line
CTRL + Y Delete line
ENTER Inserts a line (insert mode)
DEL Delete right
BACKSPACE Delete left
ALT + S Save and continue editing
ESC, ALT + D Save and exit
After you have completed your modifications, choose
the Done command from the top of the screen. You
will be asked if you want to save the changes. If
the file already exists, you will also be asked if
you want to replace it or save the changes under a
new name. No backup file (*.BAK) will be created in
either circumstance.
You can also use the editor to modify other ASCII
text files (see Command above).
Page Buttons are used to move between pages within the menu. For
example, page one might contain a button labeled "Games" which is
linked to page five. Page five might contain several items related
to game software as well as a "Go Back" button for returning to
page one.
If you select Page Button from the Add dialog box, you will see a
screen with the following options:
Speed Key This is the key on your keyboard that will be used
to activate the Page Button. Valid choices are
letters A through Z and numbers 0 through 9.
Name This is the text that will be displayed inside the
Page Button for reference - usually a description
of the contents of the page the button is linked
Link to... In this field, type the number of the page you want
to link this button to. Valid page numbers are 1 to
20. (See List Pages below.)
List Pages This option serves as an alternative method for
filling in the Name and Link fields above.
Selecting this option displays a dialog box
containing a list of page titles for all 20
QuikMenu pages. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to
reach the page you want and press ENTER.
Options This option allows you to select the fill, text and
border colors for the Page Button. You can also
change the buttons font style and size.
The Edit option allows you to change the appearance and behavior of
a button. After selecting the Edit command, select the button you
want to change by typing its speed key or clicking it with the
mouse. A dialog box like the one used to create the item will
appear. (See Adding Software and Page Buttons above.)
The Copy command will allow you to make an exact duplicate of an
existing button. Copied buttons can be placed anywhere on the
current page or even moved to another page by pressing the PAGE UP
or PAGE DOWN keys. This is handy when you want to place the same
button on multiple pages. (See Moving Menu Items below.)
The Move command will allow you to change the position of a button.
To move a button, select the Move command from the top of the
screen. Next, select a button by typing its speed key or clicking
it with a mouse. Position the button by using the arrow keys or by
moving the mouse. To move the button to another page, press the
PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN keys until the desired page appears on the
screen. To anchor the button, press ENTER or click the mouse. From
the modify mode, you can also move a button by typing its speed key
or clicking it with a mouse without selecting the Move command.
The Size command allows you to alter the dimensions of a button.
To size a button, select the Size command from the top of the
screen. Next, select a button by typing its speed key or clicking
it with a mouse. Size the button by using the arrow keys or by
moving the mouse. When the button has reached the desired
proportions, press ENTER or click the mouse. The button cannot be
smaller than the width and height of the text inside it.
Use the Delete command to remove unwanted buttons from your menu.
To delete a button, select the Delete command from the top of the
screen. Next, select a button by typing its speed key or clicking
it with the mouse. You will be asked if you are sure you want to
delete the button. Press ENTER to delete it or ESC to cancel.
The Title command allows you to assign titles to each of QuikMenu's
20 pages. Menu titles appear at the top of each page and may
contain up to 40 characters. This allows you to identify your menu
screens with descriptive names like "DOS Commands", "Games",
"Sally's Programs" or whatever.
When you choose the Title command, a dialog box will appear with
the title of the current page already displayed. To change the
title, backspace over the existing text and type the new title. You
can also change the title of other pages by pressing the PAGE UP or
PAGE DOWN keys until the desired title appears in the text field.
The number of the affected page is displayed at the top of the
dialog box.
The Setup command provides you with the means to personalize many
features of QuikMenu. You can use Setup to change the background
color, set the date and time, change the mouse speed and set
password protection.
Background You can change QuikMenu's background color by
holding down the ALT key and pressing B (ALT-B)
until the desired color is highlighted. If you have
a mouse, just click on the color you want.
Sound Sound effects can be turned on or off by pressing
ALT-S or clicking the sound effects button with a
mouse. (The option is on when an X appears inside
the button.)
Confirm Confirmation of applications can be turned on or
off by pressing ALT-C or clicking the confirm
applications button with a mouse. Select this
option to request a confirmation (Yes/No) before
activating a program.
Interface QuikMenu's 3-D interface can be turned on or off by
pressing ALT-I or clicking the 3-D button with a
Speed Keys The speed keys can be turned on or off by pressing
ALT-D or clicking the display button with a mouse.
This option allows you to hide the speed key
characters normally displayed in front of the
button text.
Display Grid QuikMenu's grid display can be turned on or off by
pressing ALT-G or clicking the display grid button
with a mouse.
Snap to Grid The grid snap can be turned on or off by pressing
ALT-S or clicking the snap to grid button with a
mouse. This grid is useful when moving and sizing
Screen Saver The Screen Saver option allows you to set the time
interval for the built-in screen saver utility. The
screen saver continuously monitors your mouse and
keyboard. If no activity has occurred for a period
of time equal to the chosen interval, then the
QuikMenu screen is replaced by an exploding clock.
To restore QuikMenu, press any key or move the
mouse. The screen saver may also be activated by
pressing the F5 function key. NOTE: The screen
saver only works while you are in QuikMenu, not in
other programs.
The Password function is used to prevent unauthorized users from
running the DOS Shell, modifying the menu, viewing the Time Log and
leaving QuikMenu. Type your password in the text field and select
the items you want to be protected. Protected items appear with an
X next to them. If you use this feature, be sure to remember your
password. A forgotten password means you will not be able to access
the protected options.
The Time Log option allows you to turn the log on or off and
to change the name of the file used to store the log information.
The default name of the log file is QM.LOG. To turn the log on or
off, just hold down the ALT key and press the letter K. If you have
a mouse, just click on the "Keep a time log..." button.
It's a good idea to change the name of the time log periodically -
once a month or once a quarter if you use a variety of programs
each day. The log size is limited only by the space available on
your hard drive. However, the smaller the file, the faster the
searching and sorting will be. (See Log below.)
The system Date/Time can be set by tabbing to each field and
changing the numeric value to match the date and time. AM or PM
can be selected by holding down the Alt key and pressing A or P. If
you have a mouse you can just click on the AM or PM buttons. NOTE:
This function may not work on some XTs since there is no standard
among XT clock cards.
Use this option to adjust the sensitivity of your mouse. The higher
the setting, the less desk space you'll need to move the mouse
across the screen.
When you have finished modifying your menu, select the Done command
to save your changes and return to the main mode.
QuikMenu's Time Log can be a valuable resource for consultants,
secretaries, lawyers or anyone who keeps track of expenses on the
basis of time. The Time Log allows you to view, sort and print
reports based on how long and how often you use your computer.
The log keeps track of programs by the names you assign to your
Software Buttons. It may be helpful to keep a separate pages of
Software Buttons for specific projects and give each button a
unique project name. For example, page six could have a "Jones Word
Processor", a "Jones Database" and a "Jones Spreadsheet".
If you select the Search command button while in Log a dialog box
with the following options will appear:
Report Title This is the title for the report that will be
printed at the top of each page.
Sort by Select the Program button to sort log entries
alphabetically by name. Choose the Date button to
sort log entries in chronological order.
View as This option controls the level of detail displayed
in the time log. The Summary option displays each
log entry only once and shows the total number of
times each item was used. The Detail option shows
time in, time out and the total time for each item.
Find Use this option to locate specific programs or
projects within the time log. For example, typing
"Word" will find log entries for "WordPerfect",
"Wordstar" and "Word Processing" - anything that
begins with "WORD".
Start date If you want to search a specific date range, type
in the month, day and year in numeric format, ie:
10-12-1990. Leave this field blank to search from
the beginning of the file.
End date If you want to search a specific date range, type
in the month, day and year in numeric format, ie:
10-22-1990. Leave this field blank to search to the
end of the file.
To turn the Time Log on or off or to change the log file name, see
Setup above.
This option is for those who like to use those handy Pop-Up
calculators, note pads, outliners, etc. QuikMenu includes a handy
TSR window that allows you to easily access your favorite TSR
Simply load your TSR's as you normally do, then activate QuikMenu.
From the QuikMenu main or modify screens, press the F3 function
key. Quikmenu's graphical display is replaced by a text-only
window. At this point, input the key combination required to bring
up your TSR. When you're finished, exit your TSR and press ESC to
return to QuikMenu.
QuikMenu can be used with Local Area Networks. Network users should
start Quikmenu by entering QNET "user-name" at the DOS prompt. For
QNET Doris
- or -
If you don't have a QNET file, try installing QuikMenu again. Be
sure to specify that you're using QuikMenu on a network.
Network users may also wish to use the !USER variable on the
command line of Program Buttons. When a button with this variable
is activated, the user's name will be substituted for !USER in the
command line. For example, if each user had their own directory on
the network, you could create a program button that would start a
program and list files from the user's directory. The command might
look like:
WP [Files?=F:\!USER\*.*]
This variable can be used in any situation that requires the user's
name, ie: custom batch files, etc.
You can specify several options when starting QuikMenu. An option
consists of a slash (/) followed by an option letter followed by
information about that option.
Video Mode QuikMenu automatically determines what type of
monitor you have and loads the appropriate software
driver. If you have an unusual video card, you may
want to override the built-in video detection
routine. The /G allows you to run QuikMenu in a
variety of different graphics modes depending on
your hardware.
Usage: /Gx x = one of the commands below
Video Mode Command
Hercules 7.0
CGA 1.4
MCGA 640x200 2.4
MCGA 640x480 2.5
EGA 3.1
EGA 64K 4.0
VGA 9.2
AT&T 640x400 8.5
IBM 8514 640x480 6.0
IBM 8514 1024x768 6.1
Other Menus This option can be used to create or access other
QuikMenu (*.MNU) menu files.
Usage: /Mx x = filename
Example: QM /Mmymenu.mnu
Hello Message The /H option displays a greeting message each time
QuikMenu is loaded. Possible messages include:
"Good Morning", "Good Afternoon" and "Good Evening"
depending on what time of day it is.
Usage: /H